Indoor Electrical Wiring Services

Call McBride to schedule a free estimate or fill out our online form to get started. Let our Denver electrical experts show you that we are one of the leading electrical service providers in the area!

Reliable Electrical Wiring
Solutions in Denver & Beyond

The wiring in your residential property is an essential but often overlooked part of powering everything from lights to appliances. Without proper wiring, you would not be able to operate an electrical appliance. For this reason, it is important to ensure that all of your wiring and rewiring is up to date and done correctly.

At McBride Lighting & Electrical, we have decades of experience providing reliable  residential electrical services and commercial throughout Denver, Colorado. Our certified technicians can examine existing on-board electrical systems for possible dangers, repair wear or age-related damage and, if necessary, upgrade outdated systems with new components. We can also install completely new wiring systems to meet the needs of a newly renovated space or construction project.

From minor repairs to complete installations, our experienced staff will ensure your property’s wiring system meets safety standards while staying within budget. This gives you peace of mind knowing that everything will be properly powered, no matter the complexity of the work! With our wide range of services at competitive prices, there is no better choice than McBride Lighting & Electrical when it comes to your next electrical service project.

Contact us today for a free estimate just call (303) 647-9221 or fill out our online form. We’ll show you why McBride Lighting & Electrical has been a trusted name in wiring and rewiring in Denver since 1956!


Proper wiring is essential for any home or business. It ensures safety and functionality are maintained while providing a reliable power source. At McBride Lighting & Electrical, we understand the importance of proper wiring and can handle all of your electrical needs, from individual rooms to entire buildings.
Here are some of the types of wiring services we provide:

  • Room Wiring – We can wire individual rooms with outlets, switches, lights, and other fixtures.
  • Building wiring – From new construction to renovation of existing buildings, our experienced electricians will ensure that your building is wired correctly and safely.
  • Home automation and smart devices – We offer installation of smart devices such as door openers, blinds, thermostats and light controls so you can control them remotely or set automated schedules for energy efficiency.
  • Outdoor Lighting and Security Systems – Let us install outdoor lighting systems to illuminate walkways or security cameras to keep an eye on your property when you are out or sleeping at night.
  • Hot Tub Wiring – We have experience wiring hot tubs and hot tubs, ensuring they are provided with the proper power they require.

No matter what type of wiring installation or upgrade you need, our team of certified technicians will ensure everything is done correctly with decades of industry experience. We have the skills and qualifications to adequately handle all your wiring and rewiring needs.


Faulty or old wiring systems put your home and family at risk from electric shock, fire, and other safety hazards. To ensure that all components are up to date and working properly, it is important to regularly check your property’s wiring system for signs of damage or wear.
Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Flickering lights – This may indicate a loose connection or poor grounding that needs to be corrected.
  • Unusually hot outlets – If an outlet feels hot, it could mean that the wires inside have been damaged due to a short circuit or an overload in the current flow.
  • Blown Fuses/Frequently Tripped Circuit Breakers – Blown fuses occur when too much current flows through a circuit; If this occurs frequently, it may indicate faulty wiring that needs to be repaired/replaced.
  • Sparks or slight shocks when connecting devices – This could be a sign of poor wiring or worn outlets/switches; If this happens frequently, it’s time to call an electrician.
  • Strange burning smells coming from electrical outlets – Burning smells indicate a problem with the electrical system; Call a professional electrician immediately as this can cause further damage and even a fire if left unchecked!

Right Lighting Gives You Enhanced Security And Accessibility

If you notice any of these signs, contact our team at McBride Lighting & Electrical immediately. We can inspect your property’s wiring system and ensure all components are compliant and safe to use. Our team is available 24/7 for emergencies. So don’t hesitate to call us!
Call (303) 647-9221 to schedule a free estimate or fill out our online form to get started. Let our Denver electrical experts show you that we are one of the leading electrical service providers in the area!